iNETcc call center features

iNETcc, established in 2000, is a worldwide CONSORTIUM of BPO Call Center companies.

We provide outbound – inbound – non voice – consulting – IT call center services with the support of our affiliates all around the world.

Global Presence – Local Production

We have sites in 35+ Countries and we provide 35+ Languages

Our call center BPO features

Fully Globalised and Standardized quality, production, IT, process & local call center experts adapted to your requiremnts wherever in the globe.

1- Covers most of the world’s languages; Capable of call center BPO services using more than 35 languages from all continents.

2- Covers all call center BPO services: INETCC offers a variety of CRM and BPO solutions, covering each stage of the customer lifecycle.

3- One unique point of contact for your projects:

– one contract for all countries
– one invoice for all countries
– one report for all countries

4- Sustainability; social responsibility, no matter which country. We believe in the people and their well-being so we dedicate a few programs in order to improve the labour conditions of the employees.

5- Quality; Act – Collect – Asses – Analyze: this is our process to improve the quality of your services.

Our history

Establishement of INETcc France & Belgium

Start of high volume of production for publishing key players in France, Belgium and Switzerland

Start of the production in German & in The Nerthelands

First multilingual projects

First study regarding the potential establishement of an alliance of european call center

Launch of the european network with 2 other partners

The brand INETcc is launched

Increase of the volume of production in parallel with the recruitment of new partners in Europe and Africa.

Increase of the network in Africa & East Europe

Increase of 100% of the volume of production vs 2014

Agreement of collaboration with partners in Italy, Germany and Russia.

Launch of the production in Asia – Hong-Kong & Australia . Ces deux évènements montrent de fait la part croissante du continent asiatique pour INETcc que ce soit au niveau des donneurs d’ordre ou au niveau de la production.

In order to increase its capacity of production in Asia, INETcc started the collaboration with MPG Group, japanese company. Both companies decided to merge their network. Establishement of GBA Global BPO Solutions with headquarter in Japan. Le nouveau groupe s’appelle GBA CALLCENTER, les informations sont disponibles sur le site:

High increase of the production with the launch of the production in China and Philippines for US market. INETcc dispose aujourd’hui d’une capacité de production dans 30 langues à travers le monde. Les partenariats noués également au niveau technologique vont permettre d’étendre l’offre de services.

The volume of production has increased of about 200% vs 2021. In the meantime, we have extended our Consortium to affiliates in Africa and Asia.

The organisation of iNETcc has evolved in order to optimise our offer. iNETcc has become a CONSORTIUM of BPO Call Center companies.
There are several advantages for our customers and affiliates:
1. An organisation better adapted to the specific nature of the projects we manage.
2. More transparency for our customers and affiliates.
3. Higher flexibility in project implementation.
4. Better visibility.

INETcc key values

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    Collaboration with call center partners

    INETcc is working together with affiliates of the consortium worldwide; we share skills & experience.

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    Social responsability

    INETcc cares about the labour conditions of its collaborators; social responsability = low attrition = quality of work.

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    INETcc delivers all information regarding the production through reports.

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    Follow-up of our customers

    INETcc offers non -stop support to its customers throught reports, assessment of their projects….

About SA8000

Our experts

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Denis Guittet
CEO INETcc & CEO & Co-Founder of GBA Global BPO Solutions

Sales Manager South-America

Sales Manager Africa

CEO China

Sales Manager China

Sales Manager Japan

Sales Manager Asean