« That’s what enabled us to succeed. IBM has given us an ecosystem culture, in other words a culture that says that a company, even if very good in its industry, has no chance of succeeding in the world if it does not create a network of partners around it. »
Francis Bernard – Founder of Dassault Systems

“A consortium is a group made up of two or more companies that work together to achieving a common objective. Entities that participate in a consortium pool resources but are otherwise only responsible for the obligations that are set out in the consortium’s agreement”.

Key features of our Consortium:

1- Provide a global environment for each AFFILIATE, to increase their competitive capabilities by sharing best practices and standardizing operational models from other AFFILIATES around the world.

2- Provide access to larger and global buyers by strengthening the multi-territorial and multi-language offer that could not be reached by one AFFILIATE on its own, which may include the promotion of the AFFILIATE’s services on the internet and iNETcc social media, the creation of a landing page in relation with the AFFILIATE’s country, skills and customer referrals.

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